我们认为,优秀的质量控制体系不是一天建成的。 为了保证我们保持客户设定的高标准,我们的质量控制人员会对每个订单的每个批次进行检查并保留记录。 为了使质量控制知识保持最新,我们的员工每月会定期参加培训。 为了保证操作的可重复性,我们在每个生产的石墨炊具部件上都有标准的工艺文件。

XRD believes, Quality is not built in a day. To guarantee that we maintain the high standards that our customer set, our quality control staff is inspected parts and keep records for every batch for every order. To keep the knowledge up to date, our staff attend training on monthly basis. In order to maintain reproducibility, we have standard process documents on every graphite parts we’ve produced.

XRD believes, Quality is not built in a day. To guarantee that we maintain the high standards that our customer set, our quality control staff is inspected parts and keep records for every batch for every order. To keep the knowledge up to date, our staff attend training on monthly basis. In order to maintain reproducibility, we have standard process documents on every graphite parts we’ve produced.

XRD believes, Quality is not built in a day. To guarantee that we maintain the high standards that our customer set, our quality control staff is inspected parts and keep records for every batch for every order. To keep the knowledge up to date, our staff attend training on monthly basis. In order to maintain reproducibility, we have standard process documents on every graphite parts we’ve produced.